For groups
“Three-Valley Experience”
“Three-Valley Experience”
Start the journey at 9.00 in the youngest Slovene town of Velenje.
RETRO EXPERIENCE of “Titovo Velenje” brings back memories of youth and life in “comrade” times.
Pioneer Barbara takes us on a fun walk through the city centre making sure you have a good laugh and a picturesque hop back to socialist times. Remember the schoolyard game of Chinese jump rope or elastics? This is also a part of the trip. Believe us, the start of the trip with Pingo juice and Kiki taffy is really nice. Highly recommended!
We continue at 10.30 when we head to Koroška, to Muta, the home of RAFTSMEN OF KOROŠKA, who await us at 11.30 with an accordion and a smile.
According to tradition, we are welcomed with a shot of homebrewed brandy, rye bread and salt. Miha, the resident raft comedian, shows how timber rafting was done in the old days. During your raft journey, rafting ladies will treat you to a hearty meal of raft goulash, “žganci” (buckwheat spoon bread) with pork cracklings and regional bread. Every ride ends with a raftsmen baptism when seasoned raftsmen welcome a new raftsman into their guild. The candidate needs to prove they are mature and smart enough to become a true raftsman. The raft priest cleanses them of their sins and welcomes them to the Raftsmen’s Guild. Finally, a celebration with raft ladies and musicians tops off the adventure. You will enjoy the authentic experience and beautiful views of the Drava Valley.
The experience continues at 14.30 when we head to Savinja valley, where all the Slovenian hop is grown, and this naturally means there is a tradition of beer brewing. We will visit the famous ECO MUSEUM and continue towards the innovative Green gold BEER FOUNTAIN in Žalec.
At the centre of Slovene hop growing we learn the story of hops in the “Valley of the green gold” and relive the exciting time of the famous Žalec brewer also known as the father of Laško beer. The unique Kukec beer was served as far as Egypt and India. Now you will get the opportunity to sample it yourself. To make the experience even more delightful, we will enjoy the taste of Slovene craft beer at the world famous Green Gold beer fountain.
The trip is planned to conclude at 18.00.
Humoristični šov v katerem udeleženci spoznajo in sodelujejo pri starih gozdarskih opravilih s starimi orodji, dogajanje povezujeta humorist in pravi pohorski holcer.
Flosarji vas pričakajo s harmoniko v rokah in nasmehom na ustih. Kot je bilo včasih v navadi, vas sprejmejo s šilcem žganja, rženim kruhom in soljo. Splavarski humorist Miha vam na šaljiv način ponazori, kako so splavarili nekoč. Flosarske frajlice vas na rajži pogostijo s krepko malico (flosarskim golažem, žganci zabeljenimi z grumpi in s koroškim kruhom). Na vsaki rajži flosarji v svoj ceh sprejmejo tudi novopečenega flosarja. Le-ta bo moral dokazati, da je dovolj zrel in nabrit, da postane pravi flosar. Flosarski župnik ga bo očistil grehov in sprejel v flosarski ceh. Ob koncu sledi zabava s flosarskimi frajlami in muzikanti. Uživali boste v avtentičnem doživetju in čudovitih razgledih dravske doline.
Best rated trip according to guests of 2018 season!
Relive the memories of youth and life in socialist times.
See for yourself
We spent a really wonderful and memorable Saturday in Koroška thanks to you. We hope to return to Koroška soon.
Ko smo zagledali Rotundo z okolico, kmetijo Klančnik, kapelo in slap, smo bili iz sebe. Na tako majhnem prostoru toliko lepot. Iskrena hvala za ves trud in organizacijo celotnega programa. Če bo le prilika, še pridemo.
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